The aim of this project is to build a complex diagnostics system for LPP based on two complementary sub-systems: a Langmuir probe electrical diagnostics system, that will be an in-house system and completely built in the framework of this project and an optical investigations system containing a high-resolution spectrometer and a ICCD camera. The latter system is already available in our institute, it has to be integrated in our PLD system. The use of a bottom up approach will allow the transition from TRL 2 to TRL 4 during the development of the project. The knowhow acquired during the stages at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, University of Lille, France, and in the training received at the University of Iasi, Romania will help achieve our main objective which is the development of a benchmark system for further development of tailored LP systems, which will be tested in laboratory environment and that could potentially be implemented in any PLD system. The approach will allow the development of various probe geometries that will be tested and then implemented on ideally any PLD system. A second important objective will be the implementation in parallel with the electrical diagnostic system of an already acquired optical investigation system consisting of a state of the art Princeton spectroscopic system with a tailored optical arrangement for both optical emission spectroscopy and fast camera imagining. The development of this system will allow us to transition from TRL 2 to TRL 4, as the system will be used in particular industrial conditions.