Dominant PLD
PD 145
Dezvoltarea unei tehnici sincrone de diagnoza optica si electrica pentru monitorizarea in timp real a procesului de depunerea de straturi subtiri prin ablatie laser
Development of Synchronous Optical and Electrical Techniques for Real-time, in situ Monitoring of Pulsed Laser Deposition Process
Domeniu: Gas and plasma physics and Thin films
In the past ten years we have seen a change of the paradigm in pulsed laser deposition (PLD) community from stoichiometric to non-stoichiometric transfer. The problem of the role of the laser produced plasma on the stoichiometry, quality and properties of the thin films are still a subject of debate and great interest to the community. Due to its high versatility and multiple interdependences between all the involved aspects the PLD technique (laser beam-target-plasma-working gas-thin film) did not transitioned towards industrial implementation, remaining a mostly research and development tool.
The project will take a bottom up approach in developing and implementing a unique diagnostic system for real-time in situ plasma monitoring during the deposition process. Space and time resolved optical and electrical investigations by means of simultaneous implementation of Langmuir Probe technique, optical emission spectroscopy and fast gated camera imaging will be performed during the deposition of ZrN, ZrO2, ZrC, TiN, TiO2, TiC, HfN, HfO2 and HfC in a wide range of deposition conditions in terms of laser fluence, background pressure, substrate temperature or target-substrate distance. The project aims to unravel the fundamental mechanisms behind the complex molecule formation during the deposition of carbides, nitrides and oxides in inert and reactive gases and to create a framework for the development of Langmuir probe technique and its implementation in chemically reactive plasmas. The synchronous plasma monitoring system will offer in depth information about the deposition process allowing the development some direct relations between the properties of the plasma (Te, Ni, Ne, Vp, λDebye, etc) and those of the deposited film. The system envisioned in the framework of the project will offer a better control over the deposition process and will replace the trial and error approach widely used these days in the PLD community and will speed up its acceptance by industry.
Duration 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2022 (24 Months)
Budget : 246.948,00 RON
Etapa I: Development and implementation of Langmuir Probe (LP) systems in a PLD chamber
Etapa II : Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) of LPP in chemically reactive gasses
Etapa III: Investigations of plasma-thin film correlation by implementing the OES-LP system for real time monitoring during the deposition process